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Free Webinar: Unhook From the Narcissist in Your Life

Dealing with a narcissist can:

  1. Leave you feeling exhausted

  2. Consume your life force

  3. Deplete you

  4. Cause you to loose yourself

All while the narcissist continues to get in your head and under your skin.

Often you find yourself going in never ending cycles, not knowing how to get out. There is a push-pull dynamic with them where you desire them but you want to get away from them. Maybe you tell yourself you are done but you always find yourself going back.

This energy clearing webinar is designed to unhook you from the narcissist in your life will be identifying and clearing attachments between you and the narcissist. Separating their energy from you so that you can get clear.

Unhook From the Narcissist in Your Life will help you to develop strategies to unhook from the narcissists.

Freeing yourself from the narcissist will:

  1. Increase your energy levels

  2. Improve your self esteem 

  3. Free you from toxic patterns and people

  4. Leave you feeling lighter

  5. Put you back in the center of your life

  6. Improve your relationship and connection to yourself

Join me Tuesday, August 23rd for a FREE energy clearing webinar where you will get a taster of the Free Yourself From Your Narcissistic Abuse by Alchemize™, being held August 30th, September 6th and 13th.

Click the link in my bio for more (IG). Click here for more. (FB)